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About us

Cheska Komissar, Author of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds
Cheska Komissar lives near Boston with her husband and two boys. (Hey, that makes four!) They’re all well over four years old by now, but they practice acting that age often enough.
Melissa Koch, Illustrator of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds
Melissa Koch illustrated Four Blueberries, Four Watermelons, Four Shells and Four Toys. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area, and spends her time drawing things she finds lurking in her imagination. You can learn more about her at
Say Oh, Illustrator of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds

Say Oh illustrated Four Pieces of Candy, Four Cupcakes, Four Horses, Four Scoops, and the School Bus scene. She has a degree in Visual Development from the Academy of Art University, and works as a concept artist while splitting time between her native Korea and her adopted home in San Francisco. You can learn more about her at

Jesse Mangerson, Illustrator of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds
Jesse Mangerson illustrated Four Peas and Four Kisses, as well as the Toy Store and Shots series. He is a painter, illustrator, and teacher living and working in Madison, where he experiences four seasons in a year. This is his fourth attempt at writing a rich bio. You can learn more about him at
Garrett Taylor, Illustrator of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds

Garrett Taylor illustrated Four Minutes. He is a Sketch Artist at Pixar Animation Studios, and lives in northern California with his wife and their growing brood of children. You can learn more about him at

Fourlosophy, Publisher of Four is a little, Four is a LOT, a birthday book for four year olds is really just Cheska’s little brother, Ivan, with help from everyone on this page, and a LOT of our friends! Ivan lives in San Francisco with his wife and dog, where they teach, host guests, play in the park, sell books, and generally enjoy their good four-tune.

Fourth Birthday Cake Crumbles